Il 5-Second trucco per Tirolix

Bed was very comfortable. Overall, the room was great Per mezzo di almost every way. The decor, particularly the records/ player was great. The location is great. We felt very relaxed and at home here. Bozen/ Bolzano was the highlight of our trip and the room complimented our experience nicely.

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* Rooms Left refers to the number of rooms left on at the lowest rate provided. Other rooms may be available on other sites.

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We got the free Bozen card and an explication how to use it. Therefore we could reach the hotel which is situated not Per the Base easily. But the hotel is Durante a nice part of Bozen.

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Set Per the heart of Bolzano, 656 feet from the cathedral, Parkhotel Laurin is surrounded by a beautiful park where you can dine on warm, summer evenings, or relax by the pool.

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